Creating a More Sustainable Future for the Construction Industry with Modular Buildings

Businesses are increasingly aware of displaying their green credentials and promoting a better future for our planet. The construction industry can play a massive part in improving our built environments, and the modular building industry is a key player in driving change. 

The UK Green Building Council recently reported that the UK construction industry uses 400 million tonnes of materials each year. This statistic highlights the importance of finding greener, more sustainable solutions within the building industry. Modular buildings provide an innovative answer to reducing the impact of construction on our environment. 


What is modular construction?

Understanding the process can help us recognise how modular construction can have a positive impact on our environment. The term "modular construction" comes from the fact that these buildings are assembled from separate components or "modules" to make a larger building. 

These "modules" are constructed off-site in a factory environment. This controlled assembly setting means that a modular building manufacturer can offer advantages over traditional construction, like reduced timelines, minimised waste and enhanced quality control. 

Modular buildings are leading the way in sustainable construction. So, let's dig a little deeper to find out just how sustainable modular buildings are and how they present a better option for our environment. 


A timber clad modular building.

How are modular buildings a sustainable option?

The factory construction method is a key component in making the modular building industry an environmentally friendly alternative to premises for any use. The benefits of modular buildings are far-reaching, but what makes modular construction a better option than traditional methods? 

Reduced waste

One of the most significant benefits of modular construction is keeping tight control of materials to minimise the production of waste. Factory processes have precise planning methods starting with purchasing departments projecting material usage. On the factory floor, plans are followed so that only the required materials are used.   

Obviously, this has a substantial impact on reducing the amount of scrap and landfill waste, which decreases the effect on the environment. However, this also affects a project's budget, reducing costs through the reduced use of materials. 

Energy efficiency

Modular building companies design buildings to be as energy-efficient as possible. The use of high-quality materials optimised for great insulation reduces running costs and businesses' further impact on the environment. Additionally, double-glazed windows and energy-efficient air conditioning and heating units are installed, further adding to the energy efficiency of modular buildings. 

Maximised Resources

Thorough planning reduces waste production, as we've already discussed; additional benefits further improve the sustainability of modular construction. Reducing excess materials also leads to reduced material consumption, which has a positive impact on the environment. Factory construction also uses less energy which reduces carbon emissions when compared with traditional construction. 

Reduced site disruption

Traditional construction projects often disrupt surrounding communities with noise, dust and traffic congestion. Modular construction, on the other hand, reduces on-site disturbances significantly. As the majority of the project takes place in the factory, the construction site experiences fewer disruptions. The reduced disturbance on-site positively affects neighbours and nature. 


Factory controlled modular construction

How can modular buildings positively impact the future of construction?

Promoting sustainability in construction is not just about incorporating greener methods into the construction process. The benefits of a more eco-friendly way of thinking is an investment into the future of the industry, our buildings, our people and our planet.

Greener technologies

Modular building manufacturers are leading the way with utilising greener technologies through investment and innovation. The work of the industry is enhancing sustainability and promoting renewable energy solutions. Modular building companies are prioritising eco-friendly practices in their production methods. By implementing sustainable technologies and practices sets a precedent for the wider construction industry. Using eco-friendly premises helps businesses promote green issues to their employees and clients. 

Circular economy

The modular building industry is renowned for using recyclable materials wherever possible; this is a key part of remaining sustainable. Modular buildings are built to last and can be reused by another business when their current use has expired. They are easily portable, making them convenient to relocate. However, when they are no longer required, components can be recycled for future use to put them back into use and save materials from landfill. 

Environmental Credentials

To ensure adherence and compliance with environmental standards, many modular building manufacturers obtain certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems). Certifications like these demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and provide assurance to clients looking for an eco-friendly future for their businesses. 

Promoting a greener future

The modular building industry is bringing people into a more eco-friendly construction industry. Modular building companies are encouraging and training new talent with new skills to secure the future of the construction industry. Instilling new ecologically friendly skills in the younger generation helps promote sustainability and protects the future of our planet. 


photo of the Yorkshire countryside

Phoenix Building Systems are pushing sustainability

As a responsible modular building company, Phoenix Building Systems takes environmental issues and sustainability seriously. "With over 20 years' experience in manufacturing modular buildings, we have developed and perfected our techniques," says Michael Taylor, Managing Director. "Through our lean processes and strict quality control, we keep our impact on the environment to a minimum. 

"The construction industry has a significant effect on the world around us, so aim to promote more environmentally friendly practices within our sector."

Modular building manufacturers play a pivotal role in driving sustainability within the construction industry. We can pave the way for a more sustainable future through reduced waste, energy efficiency, resource planning, and a commitment to green technologies. By embracing modular construction, business owners can contribute to a greener planet while enjoying the advantages of modern, eco-friendly building solutions.

If you want more information about the benefits of modular buildings, take a look through our website or get in touch.